Workforce Skills

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Workforce Skills

Workforce Skills Training is a collection of soft-skills training courses that will provide employees with the business skills needed to be successful in the workplace. These courses are designed to provide non-management employees with the tools needed to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. 

Workforce Skills Training also includes Leadership Skills I and II courses, which is ideal for employees who are already in management. 

  • Companies/Businesses who are MRWTC clients and have individuals in management or non-management positions can enroll their employees in these classes. Only management-level employees may take the Leadership Skills Training I and II classes.  Companies/Businesses must be registered as a client in order to enroll their employees for training.

Subjects covered:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Facilitation skills
  • Business communication
  • Workforce Behaviors
  • Critical Thinking
  • Workforce Challenges
  • Leadership Skills

Companies can register your employees for classes on the class listing page.

General Public can access available classes by visiting AIDT Careers Page for MRWTC
